Katya Kalashnikova (ketiiiiiiii) wrote,
Katya Kalashnikova

Новый преподаватель английского / французского для продвинутых в скайп-школе GLASHA

Hi, my name is Matthew. I’ve always had a passion for teaching.

When I graduated years ago, I resolved to work before venturing into teaching. Almost twenty years later and having worked in commercial banking, the public and private non-profit sector, and as a small business owner in retail hospitality, I bring a breadth of experience and feel honoured to teach. I am fluent in both English and French.
I am passionate about Business and Entrepreneurship, and enjoy interacting with different people. I am enamored by learning new things and exploring ways to share this learning through teaching.
I'm a family man, happily married for two decades, completing graduate studies in hospitality management I am also completing a certificate in Teaching Adult Lifelong Learning.

Запись на тестовый урок здесь https://glasha.com/skypeschool/french/
Стоимость 30 мин-13 $, 45 мин - 20$, 60 мин -27 $, возможны скидки и бонусы
Tags: glasha skype school french online

promo ketiiiiiiii april 20, 2013 09:54 8
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